Date & Time

Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM MDT 


Have you been a part of a website launch or redesign that experienced delays and difficulties because content wasn't ready? Yep, me too... at least a dozen times. The actual words on the page always seem to be an afterthought that is brought up as design and development wind down.

This workshop will detail a content ops approach that engages stakeholders early and often to manage content writing, review, production and entry. I'll share experiences and learnings on this approach from organizations such as Northeastern University and Portland Art Museum. You'll leave with templates for project management and content review and best practices for managing the process and reigning in review cycles and stakeholders.

Post-conference workshops (WKS)
Intended audience
content strategy, governance, management/​teams, redesigns
in person
Location Name
Room 220-230