The HighEdWeb 2024 Annual conference is guided by the latest available public health guidance and current requirements of the state of New Mexico. We will take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of those who attend the event in person.

If you are at high risk for severe illness, please discuss your travel plans with your healthcare provider and take precautions during the conference such as wearing face masks. A limited number of face masks will be available on-site at the registration desk, but we encourage attendees to bring their own supply.

Attendees are encouraged to be up to date on available COVID-19 vaccines if eligible. If you are not vaccinated, you are advised to get tested before and after attending HighEdWeb 2024.

We also ask you to respect the expressed personal space and socializing comfort levels of other attendees. HighEdWeb expects you to follow all public health and specific event guidelines during any in-person event.

HighEdWeb Code of Conduct

The HighEdWeb community is awesome, and we want to keep being awesome for all involved. 

Whether you’re participating in person or online, attendees of the conference and related social events are expected to comply with the HighEdWeb Code of Conduct. Together we can foster a harassment-free community and conference experience for everyone.