Date & Time

Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM MDT 


An exploration of strategies to work accessibility advocacy into every conversation, fostering a culture of a11y on your team and beyond.

Including, but not limited to:

  1. Formal training
    • Web editor and campus partner training
    • Getting buy-in
    • Importance and impact of accessible web
    • Campus-wide
    • Things to consider:
      • PDF to HTML content
      • Plain language
      • Contrast
      • The big picture
  2. Awareness (sharing examples)
    • That's accessible!
    • That's not accessible, but here's how we make it better!
  3. Informal training and reinforce skills
    • Day to day a11y
    • Make the topic approachable
    • Talk about a11y every chance you get
    • This would be great if...
  4. Encouragement
    • Small wins!
    • Big wins!
    • Shout outs
    • Build confidence
  5. Tools and resources
    • Built-in reminders in CMS (alt text, etc.)
    • Central IT report data (number users of assistive technology, etc.)
    • Free access to additional training, resources
    • A11y tools (Siteimprove, etc.)
UX/UI, accessibility and design (UAD)
Intended audience
accessibility, content management systems, management/​teams, teaching/​education
in person
Location Name
Room 215