Professional development by and for higher ed professionals

HighEdWeb 2024 North Carolina Conference is a regional event in partnership with local universities.

Date and location

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Kenan Center at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School
Chapel Hill, NC

Regional conferences offer a low-cost way to learn about the digital issues facing higher ed. Regardless of where you work in higher education — IT, marketing, admissions, advancement or academics — we welcome you.

Attendees range from web editors to central IT or marketing staff. Bring your entire team — and you'll gain a shared understanding of how to use digital tools and services to advance your school.

Organizing committee

The HighEdWeb 2024 North Carolina Conference is made possible by the dedicated work of our volunteers.

Co-chair, platform lead, safety and inclusion coordinator
Rachell Underhill
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ( UNC )

Co-chair and sponsorship coordinator
Jackie Vetrano
UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School
Jimmy Boston Photography coordinator
Jimmy Boston
Meredith College
Tiffany Broadbent Beker Attendee relations lead
Tiffany Broadbent Beker
William & Mary
Natalie Brown Allen Marcom lead
Natalie Brown Allen
OHO Interactive
Liza Bunce Program team member
Liza Bunce
Meredith College
Kathleen Callahan Assistant executive director
Kathleen Callahan
Higher Education Web Professionals Association
Charles Fulton Program platform liaison
Charles Fulton
Lafayette College
Chad Haefele Program chair
Chad Haefele
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kim Mills Registration coordinator
Kim Mills
Guilford Technical Community College
Kerry O'Sullivan Designer
Kerry O'Sullivan
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chelsea Porter Accessibility coordinator
Chelsea Porter
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
David Timberlake Program team member
David Timberlake
Meredith College
Chris Tomik Program vice chair
Chris Tomik
Lafayette College
Cindy Tribucher Community college liaison
Cindy Tribucher
Central Piedmont Community College

Code of Conduct

The HighEdWeb community is awesome, and we want to keep being awesome for everyone involved. So a reminder of what you already know: HighEdWeb is dedicated to working toward a harassment-free community and conference experience for everyone, regardless of identity factors such as (but not limited to) sex, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, nationality, culture, class, age or faith.

About HighEdWeb

We’re the Higher Education Web Professionals Association — but we’re all friends, so just call us HighEdWeb.

HighEdWeb is active year-round via educational and networking events and our Link Journal

We're also a thriving community of members. When you become a HighEdWeb member, you gain many benefits:

Conference organizer updates attendees during general session

How to host your own regional

Want to provide affordable professional development at your college or university? We're accepting applications for future years.