Date & Time

Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM CDT 


Wayfinding is something that each institution has and continually develops. But how often do we consider accessibility in our decisions? Not very often.

During this session we will explore the foundations of accessibility for wayfinding and how we can improve it at our universities. We will explore what rules we should follow, what parts of the Standards of Accessible Design (SAD) apply to digital signage and much more. This session will go in depth and provide you with resources to take back to your university to help you ensure that your signage is accessible for everyone who visits your campus. We will discuss the various kinds of wayfinding available and the pros and cons are of each type. We will also answer the following questions:

  • What we should be worried about when it comes to signage?
  • What are the SAD requirements for specific signage/signage content?
  • What are the different types of signage options we should consider for wayfinding?
  • What standards apply to wayfinding, and what are those standards?
UX/UI, accessibility and design (UAD)
Intended audience
accessibility, marketing/​communications, usability, UX/UI
in person, online
Location Name
Convention Center — Wally Allen Ballroom BC