Share your knowledge. Build your profession.

HighEdWeb is a community of professionals who share generously and learn openly from one another’s experiences. We strive to present a broad range of sessions, speakers and ideas that meet this complex moment for our industry. 

Have a presentation idea? We want to learn about it! 

We invite professionals from across all higher ed departments and divisions to share your experiences with our community. Presentations can cover topics like digital communications, programming, marketing, development and professional skills. They can also tackle hot topics like online learning, virtual events, crisis communication and digital workflows.

Key Dates

Open: February 14, 2022
Close: March 31, 2022
Presentation invitations sent: May

Why present at HighEdWeb 2022?

  • Expand your reach! Our hybrid conference will allow you to interact with more HighEdWebbers than ever, participating in person and online. 
  • Choose from four dynamic presentation formats.
  • Contribute to the professional body of knowledge.
  • Represent your institution and share your accomplishments.
  • Enjoy free or discounted conference registration. 
  • Get valuable feedback from a welcoming, interactive community.
  • Add a new line to your LinkedIn profile and resume.
  • Be considered for the coveted "Best in Track” red stapler award.
woman pointing at powerpoint slide displayed on a large screen.

Session submission types

HighEdWeb 2022 welcomes proposals for four presentation formats, including three in-person and one online option:

  • Present an idea or accomplishment in a 45-minute track session, followed by Q&A. 
  • Share an exciting idea with the general session in a high-energy, 10-minute “lightning” presentation.
  • Get interactive in a quick pre-recorded poster presentation — available to both in-person and online participants
  • Go deep into a topic by facilitating a half-day workshop on Sunday, Oct. 9 (pre-conference) or Wednesday, Oct. 12 (post-conference). 

Presenter discounts

  • Track session and lightning session presenters will receive free in-person conference registration.
  • Poster presenters will receive free online conference registration, applicable to in-person attendance.
  • Workshop facilitators receive free in-person conference registration.

Possible presentation topics might include:

  • Online transitions for classes, events and teams.
  • Programming and back-end dev and management.
  • Analytics and data-driven design.
  • Best practices in front-end web development.
  • Social media audiences, content, teams, metrics.
  • Digital team structure, management, leadership, governance.
  • Digital strategies to support admissions or fundraising goals.
  • Developing a content strategy.
  • Accessibility and equity in digital spaces.
  • Advanced and emerging technologies in web presentation, layout, development, design.
  • Digital storytelling.
  • UX / UI and creating a strong user experience.
  • Creative digital solutions in times of crisis.

Want more inspiration? Check out last year’s presentation schedule for examples and ideas.

Questions? Email