Date & Time

Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM EDT 


As content strategists and content designers, our focus often begins with our users. Our commitment to meeting their needs drives us to create content that ensures that their information needs are fully met.

Every interaction that users have with us amounts to an experience. Collectively those experiences form the sum of our school, college or university's reputation and brand. Remember, our brand is rarely what we say it is, but really the lived experience of engaging with us.

How then, as content strategists, can we ensure that we blend an empowering user experience with the intention behind our organisation's brand strategy?

In this session, author of "The Connected Campus" (2020) and founder of ContentEd, Tracy Playle, will draw on her experience of supporting over 300 education organisations to explore how to bridge a brand strategy and a content strategy, ensuring that each strategy exists in service of one another. You'll walk away with tools, techniques and templates for aligning this work in a way in which everybody wins.

Post-conference workshops (WKS)
Intended audience
content strategy, marketing/​communications, social media, UX/UI
in person
Location Name