Sunday, October 8, 2023, 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM EDT
Digital accessibility is a topic that is becoming more and more important each year in higher education. With more opportunities available online from the pandemic, we face an even larger amount of work to ensure that our digital content is accessible and stays accessible, which can be extremely overwhelming regardless of your experience with accessibility.
In this workshop, we will be learning about various software that will help us evaluate our websites for accessibility compliance. We will be taking the software and applying it to a sample site that will be provided and has various accessibility issues to correct. Throughout the workshop, we will work to make our sample website fully compliant to WCAG Standards. We will use the evaluation tools discussed to create a list of accessibility issues that need to be addressed and then prioritize the list of issues to work towards full WCAG compliance.
Throughout the workshop, we will have time for each person to share their own experiences, questions and thoughts on converting their sample site into an accessible site from the ground up. Through these discussions and our time together in the workshop, each participant will leave feeling more confident to go back to their universities and not only help spread the knowledge they have learned from this workshop but also be a champion for accessibility on the ground for everyone.
Things you will need for this workshop:
- Charged laptop (and charging cables) with the ability to connect to Wi-Fi
- The ability to install browser extensions on your computer
- Wave Evaluation Tool — allow access to file URLs setting turned on
- On screen color picker extension
- Eye Dropper (recommended)
- Axe DevTools — Web Accessibility Testing
- Have access to the following color contrast checkers:
- A code editor for HTML, CSS and JS that you can use
- Sublime Text (recommended)
- Notepad++
- Brackets
- BBEdit
- Atom
- HTML Validator