The HighEdWeb 2024 Analytics & AI Summit is a one-day, online event focused on analytics in higher education.
Learn best practices about digital analytics, data and metrics. And connect with your peers at other higher ed institutions. Beginners and experts, non-technical and technical users, and everyone in-between will benefit from attending the Analytics Summit.
Join us on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, online.
About HighEdWeb
The Higher Education Web Professionals Association (HighEdWeb) is the international organization of professionals working to design, develop, manage and map the future of digital in higher education. Each fall, we come together at our annual conference and we remain active year-round via our educational and networking events, our online member community and our Link Journal.
Organizing committee
HighEdWeb is volunteer powered. The Analytics Summit is an outcome of their dedicated work.

Code of Conduct
The HighEdWeb community is awesome, and we want to keep being awesome for everyone involved. So a reminder of what you already know: HighEdWeb is dedicated to working toward a harassment-free community and conference experience for everyone, regardless of identity factors such as (but not limited to) sex, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, nationality, culture, class, age, or faith.