Monday, October 4, 2021
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM (CDT)

As a central web team, we see all kinds of websites. We've learned that every one of our university's websites has a purpose. Or had a purpose. To someone. At some point. Over time, the 'why', and sometimes even the 'who' of web communications plans can fall through the cracks. That doesn't just mean stale content, it usually reveals some important pieces were always missing: How do we measure success? What has to happen to achieve it? Who's going to do it all?

In this session, we'll share what it took to get all the right people to plan not just the project, but the whole life of the web property. We'll describe our first year of developing and deploying a standard, flexible web content strategy process that focuses on the property, not just the project. We've created, adapted, and even cribbed a practice that's been approachable for stakeholders ranging from the Dean of Admissions and C-tier administration to faculty and interns. We'll tell you how we share and collaborate within our central marketing department and the broader campus community, and what we continue to learn along the way.