Tuesday, October 5, 2021
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM (CDT)

Neurodiversity is an important part of accessibility though not as often included in these conversations. As many as one in five users will be neurodiverse. In fact, I’m neurodiverse and receive disability accommodations because I have ADHD.
From autism to ADHD, dyspraxia to OCD, the range of experiences can be vast, varying from issues with reading, understanding instructions, and executive functioning. This can affect how neurodiverse users experience elements such as workflows, complex information, time limit requirements, and task completion. Higher education digital properties are rife with complex tasks and information for faculty, staff, and students that can be frustrating and sometimes impossible for the neurodiverse. 
By designing your content and user experiences to be mindful of the neurodiverse, you make your products and applications more accessible to all.
This session includes:

  • Understanding the neurodiverse spectrum and cognitive accessibility
  • Examples of common content and UX patterns that challenge neurodiverse users and how to address them
  • How to include neurodiversity in user research and testing
  • How to advocate for users across the spectrum