Monday, October 4, 2021
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM (CDT)

We know that prospective students are not a homogeneous group. Institutions are used to employing targeted marketing that resonates with specific demographics or interests. However, some students may have needs and circumstances that require an even more thoughtful, thorough approach.

First-generation students, for instance, have no one else in their family who has gone through a college admissions process, which may leave many of the details around admissions, financial aid, and coursework feeling foreign and alienating. Research shows that these students — and their families — are more likely to rely on institutional content for guidance. Beyond first-generation students, there are other underserved student populations, such as those from low-income, homeless, underrepresented, or otherwise marginalized populations, who may have insufficient or inconsistent access to the resources they need to successfully research or apply to a school.

In this session geared toward anyone tasked with student recruitment marketing, we will illustrate how different types of institutions can successfully use digital tactics ranging from website content to search engine marketing to meaningfully engage with underserved student groups, providing access to valuable information and perspectives. We will discuss from both a service design and a marketing perspective how to meet their informational needs while offering valuable emotional reassurance that your institution is a place where they can thrive and feel supported in achieving their educational goals.