Date & Time

Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM CDT


Physical spaces may have large hurdles to achieving accessibility, but digital spaces should be open to all. However, the reality is that the web has many spaces that are only open to some. 

Institutions understand the importance of accessibility but don’t always know how to get there. In this talk, we will look at the six levels of A11Y maturity to help identify where a program might be on the journey to accessibility and highlight the next steps to achieving a truly inclusive digital space.

The Six Levels of A11Y Maturity is based on the Six Levels of UX Maturity by NN/g. Because accessibility is a user experience, the overlap is very useful to understanding where an organization is concerning the actual user experience of accessibility.

This model will describe phases of addressing the needs of disabled users from no consideration to a fully user-driven program. Each step will include specific examples of what that might look like within the organization, the qualities of projects, and tooling or practices that affect the accessibility of created sites, content, and programs.

After this talk, you should be able to identify which stage your team is operating at and understand the changes required to advance in accessibility maturity.

Creating an accessibility culture and community
Intended audience
design systems/​​frameworks, management/​teams, promising practices, testing
(UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)