Document accessibility has always had its roots in proper formatting. Conversion of text to audio content is possible through assistive technology programs, extensions and apps. What EPUBs offer is the standardization of formatting making the converted audio content easy to access and understand. When accessibility is built into text, regardless of length, it generates content for a more diverse and broader audience. EPUB is an acronym that stands for Electronic Publishing. EPUB is a file publishing format that can be used to deliver digital content in an accessible format. The EPUB file format is recommended because the document can be viewed on most devices and improves readability, especially for individuals using assistive technology. But how do you get started with publishing documents in EPUB format? This session will explain the history and benefits of the EPUB file type and where to go for tools you can use to create your own EPUB files; the history and benefits of distributing digital documents in EPUB format; list several free tools for converting, reading, and editing EPUB documents; and demonstrate the process to convert a document into EPUB format.