One-percent shifts to improved digital accessibility

Date & Time

Tuesday, May 30, 2023, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
(UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)


Creating an accessibility digital culture can seem like an impossible task. But, broken down into small pieces, the process becomes a lot more manageable. At SUNY Oswego, we changed how we approached creating an overall culture shift to better address accessibility needs on campus by focusing on 1 percent at a time. We use the lessons learned on our roundabout journey to help others understand how to move forward more directly. Kate DeForest, Oswego’s web/digital content coordinator, will share Oswego’s small but powerful shifts to create collaborative partnerships and allies across campus, change the narrative to empower others to join the initiative, and broaden the understanding of the word “accessible.”

Kate DeForest — SUNY Oswego
Kate DeForest


Intended audience



accessibility, management/​teams, marketing/​communications, UX/UI



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Kristin Gasser
Web developer
Arizona State University
Mark Whittaker
Sr Web Developer
Southern Utah University