Date & Time
Monday, October 10, 2022, 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM CDT
Higher education has faced ever-tightening budgets over the last two decades, while demands on marketing and communications increase at an even greater rate. Combine MarComm's need for agility and speed to central IT's desire for long term stability, and you end up with a recipe for frustration, in-fighting and ultimately missed opportunities. How can institutions balance these competing demands, while also facing a budget shortage? Enter GitOps, an evolution of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and DevOps best practices.
In this session, we'll:
- Explore the idea of GitOps, using Git as the single source of truth.
- Discuss the principles, processes and practices of building a GitOps workflow.
- Explore if GitOps is right for your team (if your infrastructure is already in the cloud, then the answer is most likely "yes").
- How GitOps can empower your MarComm developers to respond to requests faster, improve security and reliability, and ultimately do more with less.
Development, programming and CMS (DPC)
Intended audience
information security, management/teams, marketing/communications, programming
in person
Location Name
Marriott — Salon B